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Thursday, 20 January 2011


Not only are a few people easily fascinated by things that are complex and complicated. In their mind, all that complicated or complex, must have been extraordinary, sophisticated, and the 'wow'. But, unfortunately sometimes that point of view is followed by underestimate the simple things. Simplicity is seen only one eye.
Is it true that simplicity is not sophisticated, extraordinary, and powerful?
Realizing how the world today is so complex is the one fact that’s incontrovertible. The development of communication of technology is so fast. Latest technologies continue to emerge.
That’s right about now our world is so complex. However, complexity should not be displayed with raw faces. Great in my opinion is able to make everything so complicated to be much more simple. So that,  anyone can enjoy it and feels comfort.
You can see Google . Behind the Google complexity in the manufacturing process, Google offers a very simple matter to its users. If you want to find something, you just type the word you are looking for, in a split second the search results appear on your face immediately.
The ease and simplicity of Google makes it a number one search engine  in the world. The simplicity of Google is also becomes a trend-setter among other search engines. And make "web simplicity" as a philosophy of reference for the web site builder in the world.
Not only in design and content of its website, even in the spirit of Google, the power of simplicity was so strong pervasive in it. So that, the output of Google's products are always radiate the power of simplicity.
Because it is like that I believe : simplicity is incredible powers.
Simple to make us focus.
        Simplified make our lives more simple.
Simple to make life more balanced.
         Simple to make our actions more effective and efficient.
Simple to make your life easier.

You can begin to live in a simple way but it’s such a wonderful life. Starting from your mind today. "Tidy up your mind. Dig up your chaos mind, sweep the dust and rearrange them. And feel it inside. You will be able to think much more clearly! "
Start your internet business with a simple way. Only three steps : You have a product, create a web site, and the flow of traffic. So your Internet business is already running.
Why do we have to make it complicated when the simple one has proven its successful? What did you think?

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