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Friday, 14 January 2011

Your hobbies is listening to music, likes to criticize music, Well, your hobby can make a money, well there is a site named Slicethepie , this site will pay us to listen and give ratings to the music.
 How to do? first of course you must register the site, after that you will be prompted to select the types of music that suits on you, my advice is choose the types of musics that you can rates or give it reviews that match on your music stream.
Then select the tab scouting, then select an existing scout room, so you will have a music player, then listen to the music tracks minimum 1 minute, and then give a rating on the music tracks with a few comments and of course using the English language.
 Music tracks that we hear is the music track of the singers and bands who need a review about their music, so they know whether or not their music deserves to be an album. Not all music tracks are bad, some songs are very potential to become hits.
Speaking of ratings, to provide a rating on every track we will get a £ 0.04 (Poundsterling) currencies in $ 0.08, but not forever we'll get £ 0.04 for giving a rate for each song, this site also gives ratings to us as a test track, in where we will be given a star rating of one to five stars by this site. If you're still a star, we can only get a voucher, but if we are on above of one star, we can do payout via paypal.
If we are truly a great song testers and not an asses raters, and can give good comments, this site will increase our star rating, where our income is different for each star, bellow is the income that you can have in every level of your star :
  •  Stars 1, paid v0.04 each track (paid via voucher)
  •  Stars 2, paid £ 0.05 per track
  • Stars 3, paid £ 0.06 per track
  • stars 4, paid £ 0.07 per track
  • Stars 5, paid £ 0.10 per track
So Imagined if you have a five star, you can be paid half dollars just to rate a song, but if one yah, you just have v0.03 per song, and another good news is the payout from this site is not really that big only £ 5 through paypal, and tracks that are given are much, so you can have it faster or even more than you can imagined.
So if you do have skills in music criticism, or have a hobby of listening to music, and wanted to get a little extra income, maybe this site could be an option.

 How to review slicethepie in really good manner, here's how:
  •  Write a comment about the vocal qualities of the singer.
  •  Write a comment about the lyrics of the music.
  • And after that you can give comments about their skill in playing musical instruments.
  •  Take a Note for the distinctive features of the singer or band, both how to play musical instruments, music tempo, accent of singing, and anything interesting.
  • When you say it’s horrible just say it, when saying good just say it’s good.
  •  Do not copy others or your review will be banned. Give comments for a few sentences, do not be too stingy.
  •  Giving a good rating is to provide ratings based on the average rate a song, do not ever give rating 5 on many songs, or you will get banned.
Yah yah... I hope it will help you in reviewing a music in slicethepie.... and give me a fork to eat my pie ...

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