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Friday, 21 January 2011

Indonesian's Herbal Medicine for Cough Made of flowers of Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L) English Version

By the way - talking about cough medicine,,, hmm actually there are different kinds of medical plants that can be made as a cough medicine, but the most famous is kencur (kaempferia Galanga). However, this time I will not discuss kencur as well-known plants once efficacious cure a cough, but I will discuss about Flowers of Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L). Yes! The Flowers of Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L ) has proven to have powerful function for a cough medicine but only for toddler and guaranteed safe without any side effects.
This recipe is a recipe which has been handing down through the age from my family, so, hehehe... I have to ask My Mum for the recipe while I was writing my blog, It’s really pretty easy to make it:

First: find Flowers of Belimbing Wuluh (
Averrhoa bilimbi L ) about two tablespoons.

Second: clean The flowers of Belimbing Wuluh from the leaves or maybe even a small insect that stuck on it, wash it with cold water three times.

Third: The flowers of Belimbing Wuluh (
Averrhoa bilimbi L ) mixed with one teaspoon of Adas Pulosari (Foeniculum Vulgare) and also 7 stems of Scallion’s leaves (Allium Cepa L) with the size of 7 cm’s each.

Fourth: put them all into a cup and take the water for 200 cc.

Fifth: enter it into a steamer / pot and steam with water vapor for about 30 minutes. Once completed the water will change its color into red purple. Now Toddlers can be drunk to 3x to 4x daily dose of one tablespoon. (Do not have the filter ! But try to take the water only ! )

Hopefully your toddler will be well soon, it’s absolutely 100 %  sure there are no side effects. Since I and my brother have tried it our-self as well, even my neighbors also asking it to My Mum when their Toddler got a cough.

P.s : : Adas and Pulosari are actually difference, but, you can not treat it separately because if they were separating they would only change into an oil which is used to treat colds.

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